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Periodt, or Period't, is a purposely misspelled variation on the word "period," which means to conclude one's thought. The extra "T" is used to both add emphasis as well as mimic certain speech patterns and/or accents. Frequently found in Black Twitter online communities, the word is commonly used in the expression "and that's on peridot."
While the expression likely has origins offline, the earliest known usage of the phrase was posted, possibly accidentally, by Twitter user @PBCliberal on May 5th, 2009. They wrote, "Churches should pay property tax periodt."
Over the next decade, the phrase has been used in various contexts online. On September 17th, 2009, Twitter user @timmeehan666 used it as an example of speech patterns that they feel negatively about. Between this post and 2018, the phrase would be used in casual conversation on Twitter with people using it to punctuate their points.
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